Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Graph or chart about my cause

More kids are diagnosed wtih Autism, than kids who are diagnosed with other special disorders. 39% is Austim out of 100%. There are less kids with Aspergers than kids with Other ASD, and PDD-NOS.


Thursday, September 22, 2011

What I want to know about my cause.

I want to learn more about Autism, thats why I picked it if course. But I would like to know how it affects so many families and the kids themselves, how it makes their teachers/therapists feel when they have accomplished the goals for the children. I know quite a few things about Autism cause I have grown up around it and my mom works with kids with autism, She informs me a lot. I think having my mom be a theripist for Autistic kids and very helpful to me for this project. I would also want to know more about the diffrent levels on the spectrum. Being able to know more and help with autistic kids would make me want to be more helpful when I have to deal with autsitic kids.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

What I Arleady Know About My Cause.

My mom has worked with autistic kids for almost a year and half know. Many of her friends children were diagnosed with autism and I grew up around them. But more boys get diagnosed with Autism more than girls do. There are diffrent levels on the austism spectrum. Some children who are diagnosed with it may be eaither really talkative, and/or not talkitive at all. They are also very smart. Also Autism is the fastes growing serious developmental disability in the United States.

Class video

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

The story Behind My Cause Choice

The cause I picked is Autism. I picked this cause becasue I grew up around Autistic kids. Many of my parents friends have children with Autism or downsindrom and my neighbor has three autistic kids. My mom loves kids with special needs so she decided to work with them. But because I have grown up with them, it brought me closer to them. My mom tells me a lot about Autism witch helps me understand it more. And One thing I hate is when people make fun of special needs children.

Friday, September 9, 2011

Three causes that intrest me

Three causes that intrest me are autism, bullying/hazing, and child abuse. Autism intrest me because I grew up around Autistic kids my whole life and my mom works with autistic kids. Bullying/Hazing is intresting to me becuase I don't like seeing people get hurt by words that don't mean anything, and I used to be bullied but I realized to be strong and ignore it. Another thing that intrests me is child abuse because my best friend and her sister were abused when they were little and I see movies, read books, and hear a lot about children getting abused. Its sad to hear about that and I think it is wrong to hurt an innosent child.